December 30th 2010 I woke with terrible pain my leg and a strange sensation in my spine. My Oncology nurse visited and said i needed to go into hospital. When we got to the cancer centre they immediately laid me flat as they were concerned about the tumour in my spine and the top of my neck. It was excruciatingly painful to lay flat. They rushed me through for an urgent MRI scan. I asked Chris to contact my family and to contact my Minister because I knew that I needed lots of prayers sent up.
The scan showed a problem with my disc but more worrying was the state of my left leg which the cancer was merrily munching through. I thought "how rude? I didnt give it permission" I was booked in for emergency surgery. New Years Eve I was in hospital but the nurses brought round a sherry at midnight and i sipped it through a straw. I joked with the other ladies on my ward "Shall we go out or shall we stay in tonight?" When the nurses came round I told them to throw all our drugs in a bucket so we could "paaaaarrrrrtay" The nurses were amazing and the humour flying around the cancer ward was unbelievable. A week after my surgery I was very ill and could feel my life slipping from me. A blood transfusion was ordered. Another fantastic person donated their blood to keep me alive. As the Doctor and staff nurse were putting my blood transfusion up another nurse was sat by my side, holding my hand as i slipped in and out of conciousness. She dialled my Ministers number so he could pray for me over the phone. I remember Ben's voice but cant remember the conversation. All I know is that a total peace fell over the whole ward.
I went from using a wheelchair, to using a Zimmer frame. I was in hiospital for nearly 3 weeks. When I left I was wheeled out in a wheelchair wearing a cardboard sick bowl on my head which i had coloured flowers and pictures onto. The doctors and nurses came to give me a kiss before i left.
February 2011 just a few weeks after leaving hospital I woke in terrible pain and an ambulance was called. They x-rayed me and when they were satisfied i hadnt broken any bones I was transferred to the Forest Holme Hospice. I spent a week in their extremely good hands whilst they got my pain meds under control.
March 2011 I had terrible pain in my back so was admitted to hospital again laying flat, being log rolled and having nurses holding me on a bed pan was so humiliating but the nurses did a fantastic job. After a week I then had an operation on a disc in my back.
May 2011 I went to an orthapaedics appointment they were checking on my op i had done in January. They x-rayed my right leg and the bomb shell was broken that the right leg was now so badly diseased that it break at anytime and they needed me in the following week to put metal rods in to strengthen it. I cried because I had entered Race For Life which was 3 weeks away. The Consultant told me i'd be in hospital for at least 2 weeks.
I had the operation and joked with the anaesthesist that I wanted a good single malt and not the blended stuff. To which he replied that this ws the NHS. The surgeon came out of the theatre to find out what all the laughing was about.
The day after my op I was out of bed and walking around the bed using a frame. By teatime on the same day i was getting myself to the toilet. When the physio came 2 days after the op she brought me a pair of elbow crutches and I insisted on going up and down the stairs. That same day the consultant walked down the corridor and came face to face with me walking. He was visably shocked and when i asked when i could go home he said as soon as I could manage stairs. When I told him i had he said I could go home just 2 days after major surgery to my legs.
A week before race for life I was told that cancer had now progressed to my liver and that I now needed chemo but this time it would be tablet form over a longer period of time as my body wasnt strong enouigh to cope with intrevenously.
Two weeks after my leg surgery I was taking part in Race For Life. I had to agree to be pushed around a lot of the course in a wheelchair. I walked the last 400metres over the finish line. I was very honoured to be asked by Cancer Research to speak on the stage before the race. I felt so blessed that so many ladies give up their time to raise huge amounts of money towards research into all cancers. This was personal because these ladies were helping me as well.
My lovely friend had contacted the TV presenter Nick Knowles' secretary and he sent me a signed postcard of himself on Race For Life Day. A few days after Race For Life he phoned me up and I chatted to him for 20 minutes and 2 seconds. He is such a lovely man.
I am currently still on chemo. It is now October 2011. The chemo makes me feel extremely fatigued but I am one lucky lady because God has performed a miracle. I am still here in spite of everything. I will never give in to cancer... When my time comes it won't be because cancer has got me but because God has finished decorating my room......
The scan showed a problem with my disc but more worrying was the state of my left leg which the cancer was merrily munching through. I thought "how rude? I didnt give it permission" I was booked in for emergency surgery. New Years Eve I was in hospital but the nurses brought round a sherry at midnight and i sipped it through a straw. I joked with the other ladies on my ward "Shall we go out or shall we stay in tonight?" When the nurses came round I told them to throw all our drugs in a bucket so we could "paaaaarrrrrtay" The nurses were amazing and the humour flying around the cancer ward was unbelievable. A week after my surgery I was very ill and could feel my life slipping from me. A blood transfusion was ordered. Another fantastic person donated their blood to keep me alive. As the Doctor and staff nurse were putting my blood transfusion up another nurse was sat by my side, holding my hand as i slipped in and out of conciousness. She dialled my Ministers number so he could pray for me over the phone. I remember Ben's voice but cant remember the conversation. All I know is that a total peace fell over the whole ward.
I went from using a wheelchair, to using a Zimmer frame. I was in hiospital for nearly 3 weeks. When I left I was wheeled out in a wheelchair wearing a cardboard sick bowl on my head which i had coloured flowers and pictures onto. The doctors and nurses came to give me a kiss before i left.
February 2011 just a few weeks after leaving hospital I woke in terrible pain and an ambulance was called. They x-rayed me and when they were satisfied i hadnt broken any bones I was transferred to the Forest Holme Hospice. I spent a week in their extremely good hands whilst they got my pain meds under control.
March 2011 I had terrible pain in my back so was admitted to hospital again laying flat, being log rolled and having nurses holding me on a bed pan was so humiliating but the nurses did a fantastic job. After a week I then had an operation on a disc in my back.
May 2011 I went to an orthapaedics appointment they were checking on my op i had done in January. They x-rayed my right leg and the bomb shell was broken that the right leg was now so badly diseased that it break at anytime and they needed me in the following week to put metal rods in to strengthen it. I cried because I had entered Race For Life which was 3 weeks away. The Consultant told me i'd be in hospital for at least 2 weeks.
I had the operation and joked with the anaesthesist that I wanted a good single malt and not the blended stuff. To which he replied that this ws the NHS. The surgeon came out of the theatre to find out what all the laughing was about.
The day after my op I was out of bed and walking around the bed using a frame. By teatime on the same day i was getting myself to the toilet. When the physio came 2 days after the op she brought me a pair of elbow crutches and I insisted on going up and down the stairs. That same day the consultant walked down the corridor and came face to face with me walking. He was visably shocked and when i asked when i could go home he said as soon as I could manage stairs. When I told him i had he said I could go home just 2 days after major surgery to my legs.
A week before race for life I was told that cancer had now progressed to my liver and that I now needed chemo but this time it would be tablet form over a longer period of time as my body wasnt strong enouigh to cope with intrevenously.
Two weeks after my leg surgery I was taking part in Race For Life. I had to agree to be pushed around a lot of the course in a wheelchair. I walked the last 400metres over the finish line. I was very honoured to be asked by Cancer Research to speak on the stage before the race. I felt so blessed that so many ladies give up their time to raise huge amounts of money towards research into all cancers. This was personal because these ladies were helping me as well.
My lovely friend had contacted the TV presenter Nick Knowles' secretary and he sent me a signed postcard of himself on Race For Life Day. A few days after Race For Life he phoned me up and I chatted to him for 20 minutes and 2 seconds. He is such a lovely man.
I am currently still on chemo. It is now October 2011. The chemo makes me feel extremely fatigued but I am one lucky lady because God has performed a miracle. I am still here in spite of everything. I will never give in to cancer... When my time comes it won't be because cancer has got me but because God has finished decorating my room......
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