Tuesday, 11 October 2011

11th October 2011

What a day today! I phoned my cancer unit to get results of a urine speciman which was done on Friday as they thought I may have an infection. I mentioned to them that i also had a bit of a weak bladder. My consultant phoned me back to say he was arranging an urgent MRI scan for my spine as he was worried about possible spinal cord compression. moments later I had a call to go in and take an overnight bag as depending on the results they might keep me in.

I phoned my dear friend Sarah and asked her to get a prayer chain going. Phoned Mum then my other dear friend Angie as she had booked a spa day for us both tomorrow. This had been my birthday present from her in August. I thought "What lousey timing"

I was quite nervous as the last thing i want is problems with my spinal cord. I went in and was immediately laid flat and log rolled when they moved me to the scanning table. The results showed that the cancer had spread in my spinal area but not spinal cord. We were obviously pleased about the spinal cord but unhappy that the cancer has got worse. But peoples prayers had been answered and the main worry had not happened.

After my scan I was wheeled back to the cancer ward where I was greeted by nurses that have cared for me all year and so a lot of laughing took place today whilst we caught up on news from the last few months.

I may have cancer but God has blessed me with many wonderful friends and contacts who fill my life with laughter when I need it. God has given me long arms in which to love people. I love my family dearly but have so much room for others. When we are born we are given the ability to give so much love to so many people. Love is something if you give it away.....give it away.....give it away....Its just like a magic penny, hold it tight and you won't have any, Go ahead and give somebody a hug today. :0

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